Annotated Agenda
Introduction of Executive Committee & Committee Chair: Our newly formed executive committee, committee chairs and coaches were introduced. Check out the list of individuals who have committed to ECU! https://www.elliscountyunited.org/ecu-committee-coaches/
Meeting Rotations
Committee: First Monday of Feb, May, Aug, Nov
Delegation: First Monday of March, June, Sept & Dec
Committee Updates & Recruitment:
Please review the committees and be prepared to sign up for one of them when you register for Summer Sports. It is the expectation for all families to support the delegation by serving on one of the following committees.
Public Relations
Chair: Pat Moriarty
The Public Relations Committee is responsible for supporting the marketing, social media, community relations, school outreach, YMCA Liaison, and Daymark Liaison. Pat shared how he has been writing articles and sharing them with four different news organization. This will be working on putting together promotional materials including flyers, presentation and storyboards.
Chair: Rick Greenberg
The Fundraising Committee is responsible for grants, corporate donations, and community organization support. They will create fundraising goals based on annual budgets, create strategic plans for solicitation, develop fundraising collateral, and deliver presentation to community groups. Rick updated the group on a large letter campaign to local business, grant for Waxahachie Foundation due mid-April, and long-term project application for Waxahachie Junior Service League.
Medical Coordinator
Chair: Amy Hines
As the Delegation’s Medical Coordinator, Amy shared the new ECU Medical Policy. Medical personnel from Altus will be available from 2 pm to 5 pm on Tuesday, March 3 at Daymark Living for free physicals.
Events Coordinator
Chair: Ami Stracener
The Event Committee is responsible for supporting the fall banquet, a spring recruitment event, possible local competitions, and community-wide special events like A Night to Shine. Ami shared our new event for May sponsored by The Point Event Center on Saturday, May 16. More details will be posted shortly!
Sports Support Coordinator
Chair: Kristi Adair
The Sport Support Committee is responsible for supporting the coaches, families and athletes directly involved in each season’s sports. Ideally, the committee consists of one representative from each sport but one person can represent multiple sports. This includes scholarships, SOTX forms, medicals, Remind101, FB groups, volunteer forms, unified team forms.
Volunteer Coordinator:
Chair: Needed
This is a committee chair person needed! If you are interested in helping, please email [email protected].
Registration Fees
Sports Registration Fee: $30 for the first month of registration
Late Registration Fee: $45
Registration Fees do not cover State Fees, Travel or Lodging.
Guest Speaker: Service Dog Presentation: Kimberly Thompson
Kimberly shared a presentation about her work as an occupational therapist, trainer of service dogs and running a canine search team. We will be looking for more ways to collaborate with Kimberly.
Items Needed for New Website:
New Website:
- Things need for Website – Please email to
- Please email to [email protected]
- Videos for YouTube Channel
- Pictures of Events
- Guest Bloggers
- Parent Stories
- Volunteer Stories
- Athletes Testimonies
Sports Info & Sign Up:
For practice details – see the sports offerings on the main menu: https://www.elliscountyunited.org/sport-offerings/
Swim: http://bit.ly/ECUSwimReg2020
Golf: http://bit.ly/ECUGolfReg2020
Bocce: http://bit.ly/ECUBocceReg2020
Kayaking: http://bit.ly/ECUKayakReg2020
Next Meeting: Monday, June 1 @ 7 PM KC Hall