Summer Sports Registration

 Regular Registration Starts March 2 and ends on April 1. Registration Fees Registration Fee:  $30 for the first month of registration (3/ 1 to 4/1)Late Registration Fee:  $45 (After 4/1)Registration Fees do not cover State Fees, Travel or Lodging.   Swim: SportRegistration OpensFirst Practice Golf 3/2/2020 4/6/2020 @ WCC Swim 3/2/2020 6/2/2020 @ YMCA Bocce 3/2/2020 4/6/2020 @ WCC Kayaking 3/2/2020 6/15/2020 @ Lake Wax.

Quarterly Delegation Meeting (3/1/2020)

Annotated Agenda Welcome Introduction of Executive Committee & Committee Chair: Our newly formed executive committee, committee chairs and coaches were introduced. Check out the list of individuals who have committed to ECU! Meeting RotationsCommittee:   First Monday of Feb, May, Aug, NovDelegation: First Monday of March, June, Sept & Dec Committee Updates & Recruitment: Please review the committees and be prepared to sign up for one of them when you register for Summer Sports. It is the expectation for all families to support the delegation by serving on one of the following committees. Public RelationsChair: Pat MoriartyThe Public Relations Committee is responsible for supporting the marketing, social media, community relations, school outreach, YMCA Liaison, and Daymark Liaison.

Groups on FB!

Did you know.... That we have a GROUP for each sport to communicate with families and athletes about that specific sport. . If you are already a member of one of our sport groups, you should be automatically approved to join another group. If you aren't a member of the group, you will have to answer a few questions and be approved. Be looking for a message from us to confirm your identity. We do this to protect our athletes and our families.

Quarterly Delegation Meeting

We are so excited to have a GUEST SPEAKER coming to our quarterly delegation meeting on Monday night! Our guest speaker is Kimberly A Thompson who is an occupational therapist by day and a service animal expert by night. She will share her stories for successfully bringing a service dog into your family. Kimberly will also share the work that she does with search and rescue dogs and how you can be best prepared if the unthinkable happens! WOOF! We will also be sharing the following information:* Summer registration opens for Swim, Golf, Bocce & Kayaking* EXCITING unveiling of something brand new for ECU!* Details about a VERY FUN spring event in May!* Sign Up for ECU Committees to help us build a STRONG delegation.

Equestrian Pilot Season with Paws for Reflection

For the Spring of 2020, we are very excited to launch the first Ellis County Equestrian Team in collaboration with Paws for Reflection Ranch.   Four athletes were selected to be a part of our inaugural year.   Come back here to find out more and watch them work towards the area competition at the end of March.  

Cheer Coach is Crying!

From Crystal Well, Cheer Coach ECU and Cheer Director for the SOTX: I’m crying!! All the Special Olympics Texas cheerleading teams on the mat at NCA High School Nationals 2020!! This photo represents years of blood, sweat, and tears, hard work, dedication, and SO MUCH more!! Competitive Cheer became an Internationally RECOGNIZED sport of Special Olympics just last year. Texas picked it up in 2018. This is only our 2nd State cheerleading championship... and we are on the biggest stage in cheerleading—#NCAnationals!!!! Special Olympics Cheer is now a division at NCA!! What??!!! And Liberty Cheer Justice was the first SOTX team to compete on the mat in that division!! There aren’t words adequate for what this means to me, my daughter, my

Dribbling to Area Competition

Ellis County United Sends Two Teams to Area 10 Competition For 2020, we DOUBLED in the number of our athletes participating in competitive teams.   Our two teams included athletes from 13 to 49.  Both teams took home silver medals which is a great outcome considering that most of them hadn't played together before December.   Our coaches really helped lead them to success and we are thankful for everyone's contributions!

Local Team Successfully Defends Title in Special Olympics Texas State Cheerleading Event

Team Liberty Cheer Justice, representing the Ellis County United Special Olympics Delegation won the Gold Medal in the Unified Intermediate Division for the second year in a row at the event held Saturday, February 1st at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Center in Dallas. During the awards ceremony NCA gave special recognition to Liberty Cheer Justice for their community service and presented the team with NCA’s #GoBeGreat awards patches and certificate. Check the local paper for the full article.…/local-team-defends-title-in-…